BigBattery Affiliate Program Application

Thanks for your interest in becoming an official BigBattery Affiliate! Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly to review your application and discuss the next steps. Thank you!

Please provide your social media accounts below. Fill in all that apply.
Please list the amount of subscribers/followers you have on each social media platform. Fill in all that apply.
List the average number of views received across videos on the platforms listed below. Fill in all that apply.
Identify the niche/focus of your content. Select all that apply.

Describe your content creation process for promoting affiliate products.
How will you disclose your affiliate partnership with BigBattery in your videos? (Exs.: Affiliate disclaimer in video description/caption, verbal mention, etc.)
Do you have experience promoting affiliate products on social media?
Please indicate your average engagement rate. This can be calculated as the average number of likes, comments, and shares across your channel divided by the total number of views, multiplied by 100.
Please identify the demographics of your audience, if known. (Age range, location, interests, etc.)
Please provide a link to your media kit, if available. This can give additional insights into your audience and reach.